A will is an important aspect of estate planning, as it ensures the proper distribution of your assets after your death. However, without appropriate planning and consideration, you may accidentally make mistakes that lead to unintended consequences. Whether you are...
Estate Planning
Estate planning documents to revisit after divorce
Divorce brings profound changes to a person’s life that affect their personal relationships and long-term financial circumstances. These changes can quickly become overwhelming, leading many to forget their considerable impact on their estate plan. Revisiting your...
Warning signs that your will could be challenged
Writing a will ensures the honoring of your wishes after you pass away. When creating yours, it is important to be aware of potential red flags that might lead to challenges. By being mindful of these signs, you can take steps to create a will that is less likely to...
What taxes can apply to living trusts in Colorado?
Including a living trust in your estate plan can be a smart move, depending on your estate details and size. This arrangement can come with distinct benefits, but it may also have tax considerations that usually vary based on state law. Reviewing these taxes before...
Are trusts the only way to avoid probate in Colorado?
Trusts are fascinating financial instruments that offer a unique way to manage and protect your assets, both during your lifetime and after. Imagine a trust as a special box where you can securely place your valuables. You appoint a trustworthy individual, a trustee,...
Are you too young for an estate plan?
If you are young and healthy, you must think that estate planning is unnecessary because you feel in control of your current circumstances. Unfortunately, accidents and illnesses can suddenly strike and take that power, leaving you unable to speak for yourself and...
When does a power of attorney take effect?
When choosing estate planning tools, it is important to know when they take effect so you can plan accordingly and ensure your and your assets’ protection. Otherwise, you may be leaving your estate and your personal care in a vulnerable position. In the case of a...
How do you plan your Medical POA if you are unmarried?
Estate planning is a crucial process that often focuses on securing your financial future and the distribution of assets. However, when you are in an unmarried relationship and living with a partner, there's an additional aspect to consider – your health care wishes....
How to be a good executor of a will
Being an executor of a will is often a double-edged sword – a huge honor to carry out someone else’s dying wishes, but often an exhausting endeavor. In Colorado, anyone at least 21 and of sound mind can be someone’s executor. However, if a specific qualification...
When should you update your estate plan?
Securing an estate plan is one thing but ensuring that it is current is another. Your circumstances will likely transform through the years. So, if your plan does not reflect the changes in your life, it might not accurately address how you want things done when you...