3 common misconceptions about collaborative divorce

On Behalf of | Apr 17, 2024 | Divorce

These days, many separating couples consider collaborative divorce as an alternative approach to ending their marriage. However, despite its growing popularity, collaborative divorce still comes with several misconceptions, which include the following:

1. It is only for parties who agree.

Many people mistakenly think that collaborative divorce is only suitable for couples who are on good terms and agree on most issues. In reality, collaborative divorce helps any couple willing to work together to resolve their differences respectfully and amicably, even if they disagree on certain divorce issues.

2. It is more expensive than litigation.

Some people think that collaborative divorce is more expensive than traditional divorce since it involves multiple professionals and is more private. Though not always the case, collaborative divorce can be more cost-effective in the long run. For one, parties can avoid the extensive legal fees that accrue during contentious court battles.

3. Its agreement is automatically legally binding.

Another misconception is that the agreements reached during collaborative divorce are automatically enforceable. In reality, parties must submit their final divorce settlement to the court for approval. Only once approved that the agreement is legally binding. This step ensures the settlement is fair to both parties and complies with the laws.

There are only some of the many misconceptions about collaborative divorce. Without proper understanding of the process, many parties can make uninformed decisions, significantly affecting their rights and interests during the divorce.

To avoid this, it is highly advisable to seek guidance from a legal professional to understand how collaborative divorce actually works and whether it is suitable for your specific situation.
